Friday, September 9, 2022

3 Ideas for Repurposing your Cardboard Boxes

Over 90% of all shipped items come in cardboard boxes of some sort. Put your extra boxes to better use! Here are three brilliant ways to repurpose your cardboard boxes.  

Get Creative with Cardboard Cards and Stationery

You’d be surprised by how captivating a handcrafted greeting card or home décor made from cardboard boxes could be. Add a strong personal touch to your birthday cards and anniversary cards by crafting them with your cardboard boxes.

Don’t trust your design skills? Simply print a design (from the web or any source) and paste it onto the cardboard. 

If you’re creative enough, you can create a whole lot with your cardboard boxes aside from greeting cards and house decors. Think of labels for your garage bins or archive drawers.

Use them in your Garden

There are many creative ways to put your cardboard boxes to use in your garden. For starters, they’re perfect for bed starters. Cardboard boxes are mostly made of carbon, which holds incredible nutritional value for plants. They’re also often free of toxins, offering a safe environment to grow your seedlings. Cardboard boxes are also less susceptible to weed and offer great protection for your seeds against the elements.

You can repurpose your cardboard boxes into seed containers that can host multiple seedlings in one go.  

Cardboard boxes can also serve as compost materials for your outdoor garden. You can cover them on your garden floors to encourage worm activities and also smoother the soil to increase the efficiency of your gardening.

Repurpose them for Deliveries

Another highly expedient way to reuse your cardboard boxes is by shipping them out also. Most cardboard boxes are just brown-coloured, slightly branded, and can easily be used for other purposes.

Need to send stuff to customers, friends, and family? Package them in your used cardboard boxes.