Monday, August 30, 2021

A Quick Guide to Effective Self-Storage Inventorying

An inventory makes it much easier to organise, memorise, and access items in your self-storage unit. With good inventorying skills, you can reduce the chances of missing or misplacing your stored items. Whether you’re decluttering, holding up your belongings while moving cities, or setting up a new distribution centre, an inventory can help you keep it all together.

What’s more, your inventory will serve as your map for finding and retrieving your items quickly and easily. Here’s a step-by-step guide to keeping a well-rounded inventory for your storage unit:

Go for an Early Start

One of the major obstacles to good inventorying is the overwhelm. There’s probably just too much to account for within a short period of time. But one way around this impediment is starting early. Once you’ve arranged for the self-storage unit and the move, you should swing into inventorying action immediately.

Organise in Categories

Start your inventorying with a formula for categorising items. You can categorise by rooms, boxes, or the nature of items. For instance, you can create different categories for wooden furniture, clothing, frail items, breakables, etc. It’s also advisable to create a category for things you need to discard.

Create your Master List

Now, you can create a list and populate each category with corresponding items. Ideally, you should use a spreadsheet. Compared to a paper list, a spreadsheet makes it easier to edit your inventory and also save multiple copies on different devices or cloud storage. That way, you can easily access and make changes to your inventory whenever you need to.

Visualise your Storage Space

In the same vein, you should also visualise your storage unit in its entirety. This will help you easily identify exactly where any specific item is kept. You might not be able to take clean photo showing the position of every item, so it’s advisable to draw a map instead.

We’re not talking about a sophisticated map here – just a doodle showing the four walls of the storage unit and the positioning of items or boxes. The map can be labelled with the names of items, categories, or boxes. 

Update your List to Reflect any Recent Changes

Now, you have a well-detailed inventory that can help you prevent losses and damages to your belongings. The next step is to maintain this list and make sure it serves its purpose well at all times. You don’t want your inventory list to mislead or confuse you, so it’s important to update it regularly.

Ideally, you should update your list the moment you move something in or out of your storage unit for any reason. While updating your list, you should note down the reasons for any changes you make – not just add or delete items – for future references. Also, you need to double-check your list after updating it to make sure everything is accurately stated.